Digital Marketing 


My approach to designing digital assets starts with understanding the purpose behind each project, ensuring it resonates deeply with the audience. I focus on using creative visual language effectively to promote products and services while fostering meaningful connections with customers. Collaborating closely with brands, I emphasize their originality, authenticity, and playfulness to reinforce their identity and build trust among customers. This approach not only strengthens the brand identity but also fosters trust and credibility among customers

Email Designs

Panama Jack

Here are examples of visually appealing and engaging emails designed to capture the lifestyle of Panama Jack, a beach brand, showcasing product offerings while driving awareness and sales.

As the Creative Director at Panama Jack, I spearheaded the creation of custom branded emails to promote new and existing products through digital marketing. This involved developing comprehensive style guides that included textured backgrounds, images, patterns, color palettes, and fonts for external designers to use consistently. These resources ensured that each email campaign maintained a cohesive look aligned with the Panama Jack brand identity, effectively captivating our audience.

Orlando City Soccer Giveaways

LYNX | Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority

Crafted engaging social media posts for an enticing giveaway campaign, offering free tickets to Lions soccer games as a heartfelt token of appreciation for our cherished ridership.


Jeunesse Global

Designed captivating and aspirational social media posts tailored for distributors to utilize as effective marketing assets on their personal social network channels.

Zen Project 8

Jeunesse Global

Crafted engaging social media posts to promote a weight management product, highlighting the importance of healthy habits for maintaining an active lifestyle.

Original Product launch

The LIMU Company

Here is a series of Instagram posts for the re-launch of the LIMU ORIGINAL® Pure Seaweed Fucoidan Liquid Nutrition supplement, now enriched with 5X more Fucoidan. Utilizing elements of the sea, vibrant colors, and brand elements, these posts make a bold statement for marketing and sales.

blog graphics

The LIMU Company

Here are blog graphics created for The LIMU Company to promote their 5 pillars of customer-based interest and to drive sales. Each graphic includes a blog topic header and a funny meme to engage readers with humor while providing valuable information.

Product Insta-stories

The LIMU Company

Created a diverse range of Instagram stories featuring weekly blog topics, new tools for distributors, captivating graphics
for product launches, and much more, aimed at engaging and informing our audience.

Other Collections

products & packaging
Logos & Iconography



Orlando, FL.
